
We work hard to make bowls accessible to everyone including disabled and less mobile people. We have wheelchairs available and wheelchair access to the rink. Other aids; bowls lifters and extended arms are also frequently in use.

Every Monday lunchtime during the winter season, we have the pleasure of helping those with "Learning difficulties" to learn the game of bowls, these sessions are always well attended.

We also, once a year have an invitation day for those with Disabilities, please look under "Gallery" to see them in action.

We currently have a number of profoundly deaf members in the Club, however there are many more around the South East of England.

Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP
01737 780303
membership enquiries

Website maintained by Take Note Publishing Ltd

© DIBC Ltd.

Affiliated to:

Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP
01737 780303