General Etiquette

Dress Code and Footwear

  1. For all general play; internal leagues, roll ups and competitions, members will play in grey trousers, shorts or skirts, and predominately white shirts.
  2. Shirts / blouses must have sleeves and a collar.
  3. Alternatively, the DIBC club shirt may be worn.
  4. Unless representing his/her outdoor club, outdoor club shirts are not acceptable.
  5. Smart Casual Wear will be allowed at all Drives and Ballots. Members may play in skirts or trousers or shorts. Leggings are not acceptable. Compliance with this will be monitored by Directors and Joint Committee members. Please note:
    • Shirts / blouses must have sleeves and a collar.
    • If manufactured by approved bowls clothing suppliers, track suit type trousers are acceptable.
  6. Correct bowls shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes must not have been worn outside i.e. whilst travelling to and from the club. Please change into your bowling shoes when you arrive. Bowls shoes should have NO tread whatsoever.
  7. The correct dress for interclub matches is displayed on the team selection sheets and in the fixture card.


Club Equipment

The Club has all the equipment required to set up and play a game of bowls. Care should be taken when using the equipment, which should be returned to its proper place when finished with.

Extra jacks are in Green Steward's drawer. Scorecards and pens are available from the Green Stewards.

Personal Equipment

Each individual bowler will require as a minimum the following items: A matched set of bowls (4 woods); Flat soled bowls shoes.

In addition, when playing matches the following would be necessary: Bowls stickers - Donyngs' stickers are to be used on bowls when playing in Club matches. These are available from the bar.

Other useful equipment includes: A cloth for wiping chalk from bowls: measure: chalk or white spray: Wedges to assist when acting as marker in a match.

Additional Information

Notice boards

The Notice Boards are important sources of information and can be found in the foyer and on the ramp down to the rinks. The information covered includes upcoming matches, availability for selection, team sheets, league standings, competitions and general Club information. Keep an eye on these boards.

Pigeon Holes

Inside the clubhouse to the left of the main entrance is a set of pigeon holes indexed alphabetically. Information for individual members is placed therein. Check regularly.

Restrictions on items brought onto the playing surface

It is important that food and drink are never brought onto the playing surface. The use of chewing gum, or the like, is strictly forbidden. Drinks may be consumed on the rink side from the tables adjacent to the lounge area, but no food is allowed outside the lounge and restaurant. Damage can easily be caused to the green by the use of substances such as glycerine & rose water, grippo and pen markers, and their use is not permitted.

Restrictions on use of mobile phones

The use of mobile phones whilst playing or by people watching the bowls within hearing distance of the bowling area is strictly forbidden.


Smoking is not permitted on the premises; this includes the use of E-cigarettes. Anyone smoking elsewhere within the club grounds is asked to dispose of cigarette ends etc. in the receptacle provided, sited outside the front door. There is a designated smoking area just outside the front door.


Lockers are available in both changing rooms. Ask any member of the Committee for details. A small fee is charged for the use of the locker and key which is for the duration of your membership.


If in doubt about anything connected with the Club or in need of further information, do not hesitate to approach any member of the Club who will answer your query or direct you to a member who can.

Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP
01737 780303
membership enquiries

Website maintained by Take Note Publishing Ltd

© DIBC Ltd.

Affiliated to:

Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP
01737 780303